AXLR8 Staffing Frequently Asked Questions

In this AXLR8 FAQ section we collect some questions that often get asked by clients. If you cannot find the subject you need, please try the search function (top RHS) or click on te headings below to expand them. Also, try the courses link for training videos. Failing that, AXLR8 have a helpdesk for client support with trained consultants available during office hours.

Please also see our definitions page for some useful workforce management buzzwords!

These three videos show how you can set up rosters for staffing shifts with all the paramaters you need. Then the system will do the rest for you.

  • Dates
  • Start and end Times
  • Roles
  • Payroll Rates
  • Client Invoice Rates
  • Locations for geofencing and time and attendance.
  • Briefing documents
  • Staff portal and AXLR8 Staff App information.

AXLR8 Staffing Customer Invoice Part 1 of 3 Intro 7min29sec

AXLR8 Staffing Customer Invoice Part 2 of 3 Approval 6min44sec

AXLR8 Staffing Customer Invoice Part 3 of 3 Invoice Production 7min44sec