WhatsApp or NotsApp

WhatsApp or NotsApp

Should my staffing business use WhatsApp? Immediate answer “yes” Customers love it. It improves service. Staff you are just bringing on board love it. They can pull in their pals to help your business. All good stuff. Free and easy. However, this...

AXLR8 Staff App latest version in alpha test now

Thanks to all our clients and their staff for the feedback on the previous version of the App. I hope we listened! We have spoken to the teams and directors of our clients and also introduced ourselves in public places to: staff of clients handing out leaflets...

Staffing Apps and Privacy.

With the onward march of new technology, the law is evolving and staffing agencies are adapting fast. Here is one example. How does your contract with staff measure up? Your agency has probably bought a system to recruit and book staff and record their attendance. You...

How does my AXLR8 ATS work, again?

Like you, we are looking for forecasts to see if we should be investing for growth or just swimming along.  We are confident and bullish and one of the main reasons is the aggregate volumes of job positions advertised and applicants and hiring at AXLR8...