
AXLR8 ATS Integrations

Advertise multiple jobs to many media and spread a wide net for candidates. Automated applicant journey and reports track your success and any bottlenecks.

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Startup security companies

It is great to see so many new security start ups joining us! It seems that many areas of staffing have been on slow or stop during the pandemic and very capable experienced mangers have been putting their plans in place for their own business. Challenges are numerous...

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AXLR8 Portals projects

Just a quick blog note to say how much we are enjoying the rapid development of systems for clients using AXLR8 edPortals. These editable portals can be created very quickly for specific applications associated with your agency's business. Here are a couple we are...

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Known dangers for lone workers

As employers we must take resposibility for the safety of our employees. Likewise, employees must take reasonable resposibility for their own safety. The most obvious examples are when staff need to drive somewhere to meet people, maintaing equipment or survey/inspect...

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Hiring for growth: Five things not to forget.

Many companies are feeling confident again and hiring in anticipation of growth. Finding good people will be challenging. In addition to recruiting new staff there will be musical chairs with over 40% of people considering new pastures and life choices after the...

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AXLR8 CheckPoints still passing QA 4 years later

AXLR8 V3 CheckPoints were set up on a tree outside our office to test climate, temperature, water ingress. Even though V4 devices are more robust, the V3 is still doing just fine. Also, it is covered in the sticky acidic juice from the tree. Most importantly of all,...

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AXLR8 Staff App latest version in alpha test now

Thanks to all our clients and their staff for the feedback on the previous version of the App. I hope we listened! We have spoken to the teams and directors of our clients and also introduced ourselves in public places to: staff of clients handing out leaflets...

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