
QR Codes make recruiting simpler

Our clients that are currently signing up new prospective staff members on a mass scale at job fairs or recruitment days are reaping the benefits of using a QR code. The QR code can be created directly from the AXLR8 ATS system. Have it printed on the desk, so...

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My 5 year employment history for Vetting

BS7858 requires Proof of ID and of Address. as well as many other items. However, one that is difficult to complete on an application form is your employment history with exact dates and no gaps greater than 31 days. Here is how our friends at HMRC can help! Apply...

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Staff Training Outcomes

When you give a course especially if it is about safety, you need to know if the knowledge was absorbed and will improve outcomes and your company’s reputation.

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AXLR8 ATS Integrations

Advertise multiple jobs to many media and spread a wide net for candidates. Automated applicant journey and reports track your success and any bottlenecks.

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Startup security companies

It is great to see so many new security start ups joining us! It seems that many areas of staffing have been on slow or stop during the pandemic and very capable experienced mangers have been putting their plans in place for their own business. Challenges are numerous...

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