Hiring for growth: Five things not to forget.

Many companies are feeling confident again and hiring in anticipation of growth. Finding good people will be challenging. In addition to recruiting new staff there will be musical chairs with over 40% of people considering new pastures and life choices after the...

AXLR8 Staff App latest version in alpha test now

Thanks to all our clients and their staff for the feedback on the previous version of the App. I hope we listened! We have spoken to the teams and directors of our clients and also introduced ourselves in public places to: staff of clients handing out leaflets...

Contact Field Marketing: success through talent

AXLR8 have now been supporting field marketing companies collecting data in-store for 15 years.Our clients have taught us so many things in that time. Likewise, they are always learning and solving new problems to help their customers. To celebrate we have created...

Staffing Apps and Privacy.

With the onward march of new technology, the law is evolving and staffing agencies are adapting fast. Here is one example. How does your contract with staff measure up? Your agency has probably bought a system to recruit and book staff and record their attendance. You...