Service Definitions

People often ask what is included in our services.

1. Training Services

This is broken down into two parts Super User Training and User Training (for the initial end users).

Super User Training allows super users to control how the system behaves for all users: grant and revoking of rights, field labels, how dashboards work, imports and exports, etc.  Clearly, this requires numerate managers who take on a number of business responsibilities such as aligning commercial terms and contracts with the way the system works.     

User Training is assumed to be both documented and provided by the client Super Users in order that it completely fits with the  business processes, commercial terms, vocabulary, etc of the client.  However, we train up the pilot team once the workflow is agreed with the super users and client senior management team.

Training is provided mostly online but we would expect at least a day on site. We regularly visit client sites so more on-site time is offered but may not be needed (or convenient for your team on the day we visit).  Obviously, we need to cover expenses for such professional service visits.

Scheduled Classes were cancelled during the pandemic. However we are considering whether we should return to public classroom based trainings at specialist venues. They were popular (unless people found their competitors in the same class).

2. Set up Services

  • Set up of your server
  • Back up process set up for nightly back up with automation
  • Trigaware set up
  • Initial users
  • Testing
  • Building Database
  • Adding your logos and graphics
  • Allowing send on behalf of for your emails (SPF/DKIM/Google verification, etc.)1
  • Setting up on version control group.
  • Upgrade system
  • Support introduction
  • Security set up.
  • Initial Application form (We will need your present paper version and the documents/ files you collect at each stage)
  • Initial vocabulary in field labels
  • Set up mail relays to send on your behalf for automated emails and templated newsletters
  • Implement other options if purchased such as MessageStore and Telephone integration

3. ATS Set Up as an example

Once you system is set up, there will be the implementation of your business processes into the applications. Let’s take an ATS (applicant tracking system) implementation as an example.

This includes a licence fee for the ATS and customising the system for using standard parameters.

These parameters may be changed by a Super User so that the system can evolve with the business needs without extra programming.

As part of the Super User Training, we look at all the parameters that can be changed in the system as it evolves.

Examples of several days of work we do here are:

  • Setting up one or more candidate journeys.  (e.g. a steward’s candidate journey would be very different to an SIA badge holder candidate journey with all the vetting required)
  • Wording for several automated emails and document templates that go to staff with messaging.  (e.g. reject words, rights to work documents chasing messages, invitation to interview
  • Building the first application forms for the candidate journey
  • Setting basic parameters like the job application stages
  • Report Building  (There are standard reports but every client needs different ones)
  • Import data from your staff list so that they can be checked at the gate and do not reapply. (Assumes yo can export basic fields like email, DoB and name to use for dedupe.
  • Export file creation assuming your HR and staff systems have a way to import new staff.
  • Dashboard creation
  • Dropdowns menu items
  • Labels changes
  • Bespoke profiling data fields (parameters that are not present that you need uniquely for your business)  making sure that once added, you can search on them, add them to application forms, report on them, filter on them, etc.
  • Website plug in for jobs to show2
  • Testing the forms, rules, emails, etc. in the candidate journey from end to end as a prospective “applicant”. 3


  1. Needs access for one of our technicians to talk with the person who manages your DNS for the mail domain
  2. We need to liaise and help the web designer who can use their CSS with our WordPress Plugin or, if they have the web dev skills, provide a custom job application page structure from our XML.
  3. Please allow time for you and your pilot team members to create a personal email and apply to travel along the recruitment process as a real “applicant”.

This is just a summary of what is involved and you will probably want to change all the standard words, reports, application forms to suit your business (not the other way round).  Please do not hesitate to call if this raises any queries.

4. Maintenance Charges

This is the monthly recurring cost we charge and it includes Support, Hosting and Core upgrades.

Maintenance = Technical/Helpdesk Support plus Hosting (including back ups and disaster recovery) plus core Upgrades.

Maintenance also includes the “Working Lunch withAXLR8” training courses online which are comprehensive as shown by the recorded videos available.

Maintenance does not include on-going training courses, consulting time or custom programming. It is often the case that we offer these included but it is at our discretion. Thus, ringing in with a support query is included as is a reminder on how to do something. However, we reserve the right to charge for consulting time if we end up doing your work or retraining a new person for hours due to staff turnover.

The contract includes the fair requirement that you maintain two Super Users who know how the system works and advise the management team how to change the system as the business evolves.

5. Expenses

There may be travel expenses (fares, parking, mileage at HMRC rate, accommodation, etc.) or occasional purchases (e.g. images, subcontracted services, domain charges, special AWS back-up buckets, M365 subscriptions, WordPress themes or other minor add-ons). An example that will be common to many clients is Google charges for which you will need your own account. These expenses will always be discussed and agreed ahead of time. The vast majority of clients have never paid any extra expenses over and above the monthly or annual subscription agreed.