Pinpointing CICO locations within AXLR8 is vital. Setting an exact site within AXLR8 has never been easier. Our Maps tool allows you to pinpoint a Check In Point to an exact location using our GeoFencing module.
Step 1 – Search for the customer/site that you are looking to set the location for. This can be done within the multi-search, report or the dashboard itself.
Step 2 – If the customer has multiple sites attached. Select the site you are looking to set the CICO location for.
Step 3 – Now you’re on the site you wish to pinpoint the location for, select ‘Map’.

Step 4 – expand the section and use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ to zoom in and out to find the landmark you’re looking to set the check in point for.

Step 5 – Drag the pin to the location you would like to set as the check in location.
Step 6 – Save the location.

AXLR8 can set the Geo-Fence to your requirements, please feel free to check these with your account manager if you’re unsure, before saving.