Categories: Application Forms, BS7858, Vetting

5 year employment history is required in BS7858 Vetting for many regulated jobs. Secuirty, airports and care are examples.

If an applicant cannot recall all the dates or employment details then they can request this from HMRC.  Please note, this could take up to 14 days to arrive.

Option 1. Apply online

  1. Go to
  2. Search for HMRC subject access request
  3. Tap the link that is under how to get your requests and apply for a SAR online
  4. Complete with full information and submit

Apply by email – Please ensure you are emailing and that you are providing all the information below

  • Full name (including middle names)
  • National insurance number (AA 00 00 00 A)
  • Full current address (including postcode)
  • Any previous addresses (if you have moved in the last five years to your current address, please provide your previous address that you lived in)
  • What years you are applying for (please ensure you request a full five years from the date you are applying. If the date today is 01/02/2025, please request from 2020 until 2025)
  • Reason to why you are applying, for example; you are applying for a position at Happy Town and a five-year history check is mandatory for you to begin work with us.

Option 2. Apply by phone

Call HM Revenue on 0300 200 3300, provide all your details and ask for a five year employment history letter which you will receive by post.

Candidate Journey

You can plug this into your application process. Simply use the Employment History Question type in AXLR8 AFB (Application Form Builder).

Integrated with BS7858 in the AXLR8 Vetting module?

Then the details will go straight into the BS7858 vetting section and the emails and can be used to auto launch the reference letters to obtain confirmations of the facts from previous employers.