How do I set up staff rosters in AXLR8?

These three videos show how you can set up rosters for staffing shifts with all the paramaters you need. Then the system will do the rest for you. Dates Start and end Times Roles Payroll Rates Client Invoice Rates Locations for geofencing and time and attendance....

What happens when I promote someone to staff?

If you either click on “Promote to staff” or set the JAS (Job Application Status) to a hired value as determined by your company then the person becomes “Staff”. They may never actually work for you or get paid at this stage but they will have...

How do I promote a job applicant to Staff?

Once you have run through all your selection procedures and wish to add a member of staff to your “staff bank” for shifts, you simply find their record and press “Promote to staff” or set the JAS (Job Application Status) to a hired value as...