As employers we must take resposibility for the safety of our employees. Likewise, employees must take reasonable resposibility for their own safety. The most obvious examples are when staff need to drive somewhere to meet people, maintaing equipment or survey/inspect on site.
Cautions List
Public sector employees may need to travel to repair items, inspect a road or care for an elderly person. A typical large borough or city council will probably have well over a thousand such mobile workers. When making journeys they need to be alerted to the presence of risks. These can range from violent people or dangerous animals and building access, dangerous litter, slip hazards on stairs or ramps, or noxious chemicals.
Data management
It is important that the data about these risks is kept up to date. Not listing a risk could be dangerous but listing risks that no longer exist can corrode the credibilty of the system. Therefore, there must be tools in place to expire listed risks and to check if they are still present. The system thus allows three broad levels of user:
- Consumer: for example a care worker visiting the elderly on home visits or a road contractor. Consumers may also be contributors – reporting incidents or commenting on situations as they see them on site currently.
- Caution Owner: the person who is responsible for that caution’s details. These may not be published for consumers but they can contact the caution owner for more details. A cautions owner would have expertise in specific areas and might be working for one of the organisations in the data sharing partnership. It will probably be the cautions owner who promotes one or more incident reports from the field to be a current caution and who assesses it regularly to see if it remains a “live” risk or may be retired from the list of cautions.
- System administrators: several different roles including granting and revoking rights for users, template updating, reports building, process control and general system management for the whole user community.
Many risks involve people. Perhaps they are violent, abusive or their behaviour is challenging or their dog or other animal is dangerous.
Any local or authority will need to share data with other employers such as the police and health services. There will be formal data sharing agreements in place amongst the partners.
Any catalogue of risks where such private information is retained will be constricted by GDPR. The ability to deal with such competing requirements (worker safety, partner sharing agreements and general data protection regulations) are designed into the system.
AXLR8 Cautions List System

AXLR8, as a leader in mobile workforce management systems, have a comprehensive solution for the creation, management of cautions information to keep lone workers safe. The system holds a register of current risks as well as providing the associated alerts, mapping and user searches for a mobile worker to discover risks for up work journeys.
This is accomplished through our cautions list software with many levels of management for administrator and cautions owners as well as consumers of the data planning their day.
Employee Warning System
AXLR8 has Trigaware(tm) functionality so that we can send intelligent alerts by email or text if urgent. Staff can set their own alert areas and dates of travel. If you use our work planning systems, these can also select certain areas where the staff will be automatically.
If staff use the AXLR8 working app, then they can receive push notifications and chat about issues with specific Cautions Owners.
Incident Reporting
Incidents may be reported with photos and other media using the AXLR8 App (or a web portal if you wish or simply contacting the central H&S management by telephone or email).
Data sharing
AXLR8 has easy to implement data import export tools to share the data specifically agreed with other agencies about current risks in the areas covered by your workers.
Please contact AXLR8 for more information 01344 776500 or email one of our consultants for a no obligation chat or a demo.