Category: Application Forms

When creating an Application Form for the first time, it’s important to know which type of question you should use for each question. In AXLR8 Application Form Builder there are 5 types of question that you’re able to ask; Lookup, Field, File, Multi-Row and Other, depending on the data you are requesting in the applicant’s answer. Definitions of each question type are listed below.

Lookup – a lookup is a field that is personal to your business. You can create new lookups at any point by heading over to Lookup Admin.

Field – a field question is requesting data that comes as standard in every Staffing system. This will be common personal data on the staff member. Examples of Fields are; Mobile number, Address details, Title.

File – any file you would like to ask a staff member to upload i.e. image/file/document. The file type will need to be defined in order for the data to be stored in the correct place. Examples of file types include; Staff Image (this would be used for a headshot/thumbnail) , Staff Document (this could be a copy of their passport) and Proof of Address (essential for vetting).

Multi-row – a multi-row is a type of question requesting applicants to upload multiple groups of data. This may be: Next of Kin, Address History or Employment History. With multi-rows, as well as other types of Fields, you are able to set a minimum requirement. For example, you may specifically require 5 years of Employment and Address History or you require two Emergency contacts (Next of Kin). To set a required amount, you need to click on the cog which is displayed once you have inserted the question.

Other – In this section, only custom question types that have been developed for your business are displayed. These tend to contain custom formatting that can be created for you. If you would like to learn more about custom formatting, please contact your Account manager.