AXLR8 are running a set of lunchtime bite-sized training chunks. Timetable for these can be seen here.
Please find recordings of past trainings below:
A thorough explanation and demonstration on recruitment and talent management systems.
A detailed walk through of the applicant tracking system.
A walk through on how to use application form builder.
PowerPoint explanation and demonstration of searching for staffing.
Thorough explanation into creating an event and booking for staff.
In depth demonstration on how to use the questionnaire builder.
An in-depth demonstration into a more advanced questionnaire builder.
In depth walk through of field marketing reports.
A walk through on how to approve shifts.
Reports builder demonstration and explanation.
In depth demonstration of advanced survery reports.
Demostration of advance reports.
Introducation and explanation on how to use newsletter builder.
Demonstration on event finance financial reporting.
Demonstration of staffing agency finance
A look into how to use the staffing app.
Demonstration of check in/check out, time and attendance.
A walk through of vetting.