AXLR8 Vetting module helps you run vetting in-house and assure your auditors of your correct procedures and actual best practice. The whole system can be modified using hundreds of options so that the workflow is bespoke to your company.
Comprehensive function list includes:
- Links to AXLR8 ATS to pick up incoming candidates with appropriate information uploaded by candidate at each stage.
- Tablet support for vetting workshops
- All activities auditable
- 12 week working time with reminders and alerts
- Checks rights to work with visa expiry reminders
- Checks SIA badge expiry and other qualifications and prevents bookings until badge renewed.
- Handles audit trail of oral and written correspondence with employers and other referees
- Proof of ID
- Proof of address
- Customisable additional checks
- Management sign off by a separate Vetting manager to the interviewing manager.
- Interviewing managers limited to specific job application status updates for each candidate after interview workshops.
- Control on who may progress to “promote to staff”
- Staffing app for further workflow management functions during working vetting weeks and beyond.
See this training video whether you are in an industry requiring vetting to BS7858 or not.
Risk Reduction
If you need any compliance or quality controls on your staff to pitch your service to clients, you need to have, at the very least, a clear auditable PoID procedure in place where a face to face meeting is compared by a suitable manager against multiple picture ID official documents. If you have no physical proof of ID, then none of your job contracts, rights to work or any other staff relationship evidence are trustworthy.